"Sacrifices" • Chinese-English Dictionary

CHARACTERS : Simplified Traditional
PHONETIC : Pinyin Bopomofo EFEO Wade-Giles Yale
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 jì wù sacrifices
 jì sì to offer sacrifices to the gods or ancestors
 jì diàn to offer sacrifices (to one's ancestors) / to hold or attend a memorial service
 jì zǔ to offer sacrifices to one's ancestors
 xī shēng zhě sb who sacrifices himself / sacrificial victim / sb who is expendable
 jì Kǒng to offer sacrifices to Confucius
 jì zào to offer sacrifices to the kitchen god
 yì row of dancers at sacrifices
 zhuì circle shrines and make sacrifices
 shàn level spot for sacrifices
 sì shén to offer sacrifices to the gods
 zhāi jì to offer sacrifices (to gods or ancestors) whilst abstaining from meat, wine etc
 juàn to offer sacrifices
𫮃 shàn level spot for sacrifices
 liáo bamboo receptacle used to hold meat for temple sacrifices in ancient times
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