灌 木 guàn mù bush / shrub 小 树 xiǎo shù shrub / small tree / sapling / CL:棵[ke1] 灌 木 丛 guàn mù cóng shrub / shrubbery 矮 树 ǎi shù short tree / bush / shrub 樕 sù shrub 花 丛 huā cóng cluster of flowers / inflorescence / flowering shrub 莽 mǎng thick weeds / luxuriant growth / Illicium anisatum, a shrub with poisonous leaves / impertinent 桢 zhēn evergreen shrub 杞 qǐ Chinese wolfberry shrub (Lycium chinense) / willow 莽 草 mǎng cǎo Chinese anise (Ilicium anisatum, a shrub with poisonous leaves) 棫 yù (oak) / thorny shrub 枸 檵 gǒu qǐ variant of 枸杞, Chinese wolfberry shrub (Lycium chinense) 槚 jiǎ Catalpa, a genus of mostly deciduous trees / old term for Camellia sinensis, the tea plant 茶 / also called Thea sinensis / small evergreen shrub (Mallotus japonicus) 檵 qǐ variant of 杞[qi3], wolfberry shrub (Lycium chinense) 檵 木 jì mù fringe flower (Loropetalum chinense), evergreen shrub 檵 花 jì huā fringe flower (Loropetalum chinense), evergreen shrub 蓝 肤 木 lán fū mù sumac (Rhus coriaria), east Mediterranean deciduous shrub with fruit used as spice / also called tanner's sumach or vinegar tree 下 层 灌 丛 underbrush / undergrowth / shrub layer 下 木 underbrush / undergrowth / shrub layer 檵 jì fringe flower (Loropetalum chinense), evergreen shrub