社会经济 | shè huì jīng jì | socio-economic | |
经济基础 | jīng jì jī chǔ | socio-economic base / economic foundation | |
生产关系 | shēng chǎn guān xì | relations between levels of production / socio-economic relations | |
经济情况 | jīng jì qíng kuàng | economic situation / one's socio-economic status | |
社会经济发展 | | socio-economic development | |
社会经济潜力 | | socio-economic potential | |
社会经济指标 | | socio-economic indicator | |
长期社会经济展望处 | | Long-term Socio-economic Perspectives Branch | |
社会经济趋势分析科 | | Socio-economic Trends Analysis Section | |
社会经济治理和管理处 | | Socio-Economic Governance and Management Branch | |
社会-经济重建和发展 | | socio-economic reconstruction and development | |
协调和社会经济事务科 | | Coordination and Socio-economic Affairs Section | |
社会£­经济研究和规划司 | | Socio-economic Research and Planning Division | |
民族和解与社会经济恢复方桉 | | Programme of National Reconciliation and Socio-Economic Rehabilitation and Recovery / Programme for National Reconciliation and Socio-Economic Rehabilitation | |
城乡扶贫社会经济措施委员会 | | Committee on Socio-Economic Measures to Alleviate Poverty in Rural and Urban Areas | |
社会经济和社会性别分析方桉 | | Socio-Economic and Gender Analysis Programme | |
民主和可持续社会经济发展路线图 | | Roadmap for Democracy and Sustainable Socio-Economic Development | |
国际合作与社会经济发展训练中心 | | Training Centre for International Cooperation and Socio-economic Development | |
评估自然灾害的社会经济影响手册 | | Manual for the Assessment of the Socio-economic Effects of Natural Disasters | |
社会经济发展与战争危险国际会议 | | International Conference on Socio-Economic Development and the Dangers of War | |
2000年世界经济的全面社会-经济展望 | | Overall Socio-economic Perspective of the World Economy to the Year 2000 | |
社会经济发展研究和技术评价研究所 | | Institute of Socio-Economic Development Research and Technology Assessment | |
阿拉伯妇女社会经济作用问题区域会议 | | regional conference on Arab women's socio-economic roles | |
社会经济和社会性别分析合作训练方桉 | | Collaborative Socio-economic and Gender Analysis Training Programme | |
巴勒斯坦人民社会经济恢复特别工作队 | | special task force on the socio-economic rehabilitation of Palestinian people | |
援助受害者重返生活经济生活常设委员会 | | Standing Committee on Victim Assistance and Socio-Economic Reintegration | |