安定化 | ān dìng huà | stabilization | |
姿态控制 | zī tài kòng zhì | attitude control / stabilization | |
稳定塘 | wěn dìng táng | waste stabilization pond | |
联合国海地稳定特派团 | | United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti | |
石油稳定基金 | shí yóu wěn dìng jī jīn | oil stabilization fund | |
稳定基金 | wěn dìng jī jīn | Stabilization Fund | |
国际稳定部队 | guó jì wěn dìng bù duì | International Stabilization Force (Iraq, Liberia) International Stabilisation Force (Timor-Leste) | |
稳定与结盟协定 | | Stabilization and Association Agreement | |
飞行控制和稳定系统 | | flight control and stabilization system | |
自动稳定控制系统 | zì dòng wěn dìng kòng zhì xì tǒng | automatic stabilization control system | |
稳定与恢复筹资机制 | | Stabilization and Recovery Funding Facility | |
区域稳定股 | qū yù wěn dìng gǔ | Regional Stabilization Unit | |
联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团 | | United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo | |
发展中国家稳定和调整政策会议 | | Conference on Stabilization and Adjustment Policies in Developing Countries | |
摆脱武装冲突地区稳定和重建计划 | | stabilization and reconstruction plan for areas emerging from armed conflict | |
石油收入和稳定账户 | | Oil Revenue Stabilization Account | |
稳定部队 | wěn dìng bù duì | Stabilization Force | |
联合国安全和稳定支助战略 | | United Nations Security and Stabilization Support Strategy | |
伊拉克稳定小组 | yī lā kè wěn dìng xiǎo zǔ | Iraq Stabilization Group | |
稳定区域局势协定 | | Agreement on Regional Stabilization | |
主管治理和稳定的秘书长副特别代表 | | Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Governance and Stabilization | |
稳定支助股 | | Stabilization Support Unit | |
经济稳定基金 | | economic stabilization fund | |
中美洲货币稳定基金 | | Central American Monetary Stabilization Fund | |
咖啡稳定基金 | | coffee stabilization fund | |
国际安全与稳定化支助战略 | | International Security and Stabilization Support Strategy | |
国家安全和稳定计划 | | National Security and Stabilization Plan | |
伊图里短期稳定计划 | | Ituri Short-Term Stabilization Plan | |
稳定保险费储备金 | | premium stabilization reserve | |
稳定出口收入制度 | | System of Stabilization of Export Earnings | |
稳定和控制系统 | | stabilization and control | |