系综 | xì zōng | statistical | |
统计数据 | tǒng jì shù jù | statistical data | |
统计表 | tǒng jì biǎo | statistical table / chart | |
表册 | biǎo cè | statistical form / book of tables or forms | |
表报 | biǎo bào | statistical tables and reports | |
统计结果 | tǒng jì jié guǒ | statistical results | |
转差 | zhuǎn chā | to slip (e.g. of clutch) / slippage / also used of economic indicators, statistical discrepancies etc | |
基尼系数 | Jī ní xì shù | Gini coefficient (a measure of statistical dispersion) | |
欧洲共同体统计局 | ōu zhōu gòng tóng tǐ tǒng jì jú | Statistical Office of the European Communities | |
统计年鉴 | tǒng jì nián jiàn | Statistical Yearbook | |
统计数据和元数据交换 | | Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange | |
非洲统计发展专题讨论会 | | Africa Symposium on Statistical Development | |
统计工作协调委员会 | | Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities | |
阿拉伯国家统计能力建设论坛 | | Forum on Statistical Capacity Building for Arab Countries | |
农业统计工作组 | nóng yè tǒng jì gōng zuò zǔ | Inter-American Statistical Institute (IASI) / FAO Working Group on Agricultural Statistics / Working Group on Agricultural Statistics | |
统计委员会 | | Statistical Committee | |
统计能力建设 | tǒng jì néng lì jiàn shè | statistical capacity-building | |
机构间协调统计活动委员会 | | Interagency Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities | |
统计数据库工作组 | | Working Group on Statistical Databases | |
国家妇女与发展统计数据库手册 | | Handbook for National Statistical Databases on Women and Development | |
精神障碍诊断和统计手册 | | Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders / Diagnostic and Statistical Manual | |
常设统计委员会 | | Standing Statistical Committee | |
统计用国家或地区标准代码 | | Standard Country or Area Codes for Statistical Use | |
美洲统计训练中心 | | Inter-American Statistical Training Center | |
统计服务处 | | Statistical Services Branch | |
统计分类科 | | Statistical Classifications Section | |
供统计用途的主要捕鱼区 | | Major Fishing Areas for Statistical Purposes | |
统计指标统一问题工作队 | tǒng jì zhǐ biāo tǒng yī wèn tí gōng zuò duì | Task Force on the Harmonization of Statistical Indicators | |
非洲统计训练方案 | fēi zhōu tǒng jì xùn liàn fāng àn | Statistical Training Programme for Africa | |
统计显著性 | tǒng jì xiǎn zhù xìng | statistical significance | |
统计相关性 | | statistical correlation | |
美洲统计会议 | | Statistical Conference of the Americas | |
全球化统计工作队 | quán qiú huà tǒng jì gōng zuò duì | Statistical Working Party on Globalisation | |
独立国家联合体国家间统计委员会 | | Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States | |
助理统计干事 | | Assistant Statistical Officer | |
统计助理 | tǒng jì zhù lǐ | Statistical Assistant | |
亚洲及太平洋统计研究所 | yà zhōu jí tài píng yáng tǒng jì yán jiū suǒ | Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific | |
东盟统计官员会议 | | ASEAN Heads of Statistical Offices Meeting | |
综合统计信息系统 | zōng hé tǒng jì xìn xī xì tǒng | Integrated statistical information systems | |
统计方案工作组 | tǒng jì fāng àn gōng zuò zǔ | Working Group on Statistical Programmes | |
统计专家工作组 | tǒng jì zhuān jiā gōng zuò zǔ | Working Group of Statistical Experts | |
统计规划和发展科 | | Statistical Planning and Development Section | |
联合国统计处 | | United Nations Statistical Office | |
统计工作小组委员会 | | Subcommittee on Statistical Activities | |
统计办事员-打字员 | | Statistical Clerk-Typist | |
统计干事 | | Statistical Officer | |
统计办事员 | tǒng jì bàn shì yuán | Statistical Clerk | |
监察、评价、风险管理和统计核查股 | | Monitoring, Evaluation, Risk Management and Statistical Verification Unit | |
东非统计训练中心 | | Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre | |
国际统计教育中心 | | International Statistical Education Centre | |
欧洲经委会用水标准统计分类法 | | ECE Standard Statistical Classification of Water Use | |
中美洲运输统计信息方桉 | | Programme for Statistical Information on Transport in Central America | |
国际统计方桉中心 | | International Statistical Programs Center | |
欧洲经委会生态澹水水质标准统计分类法 | | ECE Standard Statistical Classification of Ecological Freshwater Quality | |
粮农组织统计数据库 | | Corporate Database for Substantive Statistical Data | |
欧洲经委会统计数据库 | | ECE Statistical Database | |
欧洲共同体内部经济活动一般行业分类 | | General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities within the European Communities / Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community | |
欧洲共同体内部经济活动统计分类 | | General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities within the European Communities / Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community | |
科索沃统计局 | kē suǒ wò tǒng jì jú | Statistical Office of Kosovo | |
统计值 | tǒng jì zhí | statistical value | |
巴西地理和统计研究所 | | Brazilian Geographical and Statistical Institute | |
信息、计算机和通信政策统计小组 | | Information, Computer and Communications Policy Statistical Panel / ICCP Statistical Panel | |
联合国统计信息系统 | | United Nations Statistical Information System | |
统计信息技术管理问题特设专家组 | | Ad Hoc Expert Group on the Management of Statistical Information Technology | |
统计信息事务科 | | Statistical Information Services Section | |
非洲统计能力建设参考区域战略框架 | | Reference Regional Strategic Framework for Statistical Capacity Building in Africa / Reference Regional Strategic Framework | |
参考区域战略框架 | | Reference Regional Strategic Framework for Statistical Capacity Building in Africa / Reference Regional Strategic Framework | |
粮食和统计股 | | Food and Statistical Unit | |
年度统计报告 | | annual statistical report | |
印度统计协会 | | Indian Statistical Institute | |
统计事务循环基金 | | Statistical Services Revolving Fund | |
疾病和有关保健问题国际统计分类 | | International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems / International Classification of Diseases | |
国际疾病分类 | | International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems / International Classification of Diseases | |
疾病、伤害、死亡原因国际统计分类 | | International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death | |
非洲经委会统计数据库 | | ECA Statistical Data Base | |
非洲统计发展论坛 | | Forum on African Statistical Development | |
联合国系统统计业务共同守则 | | Common Code of Statistical Practice in the United Nations System | |
变差 | | statistical variation | |
阿拉伯统一统计摘要 | | Unified Arab Statistical Abstract | |
世界家庭统计表 | | Statistical Chart on World Families | |
联合国刑事司法统计调查 | | United Nations statistical criminal justice survey | |
国际统计学会 | | International Statistical Institute | |
美洲统计学会 | | Inter-American Statistical Institute | |
欧洲共同体各国统计研究所主任会议 | | Conference of the Directors General of the National Statistical Institutes of the European Communities | |
阿拉伯统计研究所 | | Arab Statistical Institute | |
亚洲统计研究所 | | Asian Statistical Institute | |
统计专家问题工作组 | | Working Group on Statistical Experts | |
世界儿童状况统计评论 | | Statistical Review of the Situation of Children in the World | |
统计控制 | | statistical control | |
统计报表制度 | | statistical return system | |
统计教育委员会 | | Statistical Education Committee | |
统计教育和训练专家组 | | Expert Group on Statistical Education and Training | |
非洲统计发展协调委员会 | | Coordinating Committee on African Statistical Development | |
亚洲及太平洋统计年鉴 | | Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific | |
家庭保健统计指数研究小组 | | Study Group on Statistical Indices of Family Health | |
中央统计数据库 | | Central Statistical Database | |
欧洲经委会环境空气质量统计分类法 | | ECE Statistical Classification of Ambient Air Quality | |
非洲统计委员会 | | Statistical Commission for Africa | |
1990年代非洲统计发展亚的斯亚贝巴行动计划 | | Addis Ababa Plan of Action for Statistical Development in Africa in the 1990s | |
儿基会袖珍统计手册 | | UNICEF Statistical Pocketbook | |