物资 | wù zī | goods / supplies | |
给养 | jǐ yǎng | provisions / supplies / victuals / (literary) to support / to provide for / to look after | |
补给品 | bǔ jǐ pǐn | supplies / stores | |
供应品 | gōng yìng pǐn | supplies | |
缺货 | quē huò | lack of supplies / unavailable goods | |
抢购 | qiǎng gòu | to buy frenetically / to snap up (bargains, dwindling supplies etc) | |
囤积 | tún jī | to stock up / to lay in supplies / to hoard (for speculation) / to corner the market in sth | |
缺血 | quē xuè | (of an organ) to have insufficient blood supply / (of a blood bank) to run low on blood supplies | |
军需 | jūn xū | military supplies | |
加料 | jiā liào | to feed in / to load (raw material, supplies, fuel etc) / to supply / fortified (with added material) | |
脱销 | tuō xiāo | to sell out / to run out (of supplies) / deficient / lack of supplies | |
医疗用品 | yī liáo yòng pǐn | medical supplies | |
缺粮 | quē liáng | to lack food supplies | |
坚壁 | jiān bì | to cache / to hide supplies (from the enemy) | |
窝工 | wō gōng | (of workers) to have no work to do / to be underutilized (due to lack of supplies, poor organization by management etc) | |
维修用品 | wéi xiū yòng pǐn | maintenance supplies | |
办公室用品小组 | bàn gōng shì yòng pǐn xiǎo zǔ | Office Supplies Team | |
作战补给 | combat supplies | ||
环卫用品 | huán wèi yòng pǐn | sanitation supplies | |
外地消耗品和供应品系统 | Field Expendable and Supplies system | ||
供应和粮食援助外勤手册 | Supplies and Food-Aid Field Handbook | ||
用品仓库主管 | yòng pǐn cāng kù zhǔ guǎn | Supplies Stores Supervisor | |
用品和材料 | supplies and materials | ||
人道主义供应品 | humanitarian supplies | ||
供应和粮食援助处 | Supplies and Food Aid Service | ||
计划生育物品 | family planning supplies | ||
国营药品和医务用品进口公司 | State Company for Importation of Drugs and Medical Supplies / Kimadia | ||
联合国关于提供医疗用品的规定 | United Nations Requirements for the Provision of Medical Supplies | ||
急救用品 | emergency health supplies |