持续 | chí xù | to continue / to persist / to last / sustainable / preservation | |
可持续 | kě chí xù | sustainable | |
永续 | yǒng xù | sustainable / perpetual | |
可持续发展 | kě chí xù fā zhǎn | sustainable development | |
可持续利用 | kě chí xù lì yòng | sustainable utilization / sustainable use | |
可持续发展委员会 | kě chí xù fā zhǎn wěi yuán huì | Commission on Sustainable Development | |
生态城市 | shēng tài chéng shì | sustainable city | |
可持续生产和消费工作组 | | Working Group on Sustainable Production and Consumption | |
非洲环境和可持续发展问题区域会议 | | African Regional Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development | |
里索中心 | | UNEP Risoe Centre on Energy, Climate and Sustainable Development / UNEP Risoe Centre / Risoe Centre | |
环境署里索能源、气候和可持续发展中心 | | UNEP Risoe Centre on Energy, Climate and Sustainable Development / UNEP Risoe Centre / Risoe Centre | |
可持续采购 | | sustainable procurement | |
曼谷2020年宣言- 2010至2020年可持续交通目标 | | Bangkok Declaration for 2020 - Sustainable Transport Goals for 2010 &ndash / 2020 | |
小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展全球会议 | | Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States | |
平衡渔获量 | | equilibrium yield / equilibrium catch / sustainable yield | |
可持续的债务 | | sustainable debt | |
小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领 | | Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States / Barbados Programme of Action | |
水与可持续发展问题国际会议 | | International Conference on Water and Sustainable Development | |
可持续发展司 | | Sustainable Development Division | |
可持续联合国股 | kě chí xù lián hé guó gǔ | Sustainable United Nations Unit | |
可持续发展可再生能源北京宣言 | | Beijing Declaration on Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development | |
1996-2000年无害环境和可持续发展区域行动纲领 | | Regional Action Programme for Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development, 1996-2000 | |
热带森林可持续性管理的指导方针 | | Guidelines for Sustainable Management of Tropical Forests | |
可持续森林管理 | kě chí xù sēn lín guǎn lǐ | sustainable management of forests / forest sustainable management | |
促进可持续发展企业行动 | | Business Action for Sustainable Development | |
可持续能源倡议 | kě chí xù néng yuán chàng yì | Initiative for Sustainable Energy | |
国际可持续发展研究所 | | International Institute for Sustainable Development | |
中美洲可持续发展倡议 | | Meso-American Initiative for Sustainable Development | |
非洲可持续卫生发展理事会 | | African Council for Sustainable Health Development | |
人类住区和可持续发展政府间会议 | | Intergovernmental Meeting on Human Settlements and Sustainable Development | |
可持续消费教育学习联合讲习班 | | Joint Workshop on education and learning for sustainable consumption | |
可持续人类住区规划工作队 | | Working Party on Sustainable Human Settlements Planning | |
可持续发展全球模式论坛 | | Global Modelling Forum for Sustainable Development | |
中美洲可持续发展理事会 | | Central American Council for Sustainable Development | |
自然资源会计与可持续发展讲习班 | | Workshop on Natural Resource Accounting and Sustainable Development | |
山脉生态与可持续发展研究与训练方桉 | | Mountain Ecology and Sustainable Development Research and Training Programme | |
政策协调和可持续发展部 | | Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development | |
住房和可持续人类住区发展司 | | Shelter and Sustainable Human Settlements Development Division | |
可持续性发展可靠指标 | | sound indicators for sustainable development | |
科学促进可持续性发展 | | science for sustainable development | |
可持续性发展利益攸关方 | | stakeholders of sustainable development | |
环境与可持续发展委员会 | | Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development | |
制订可持续发展指标方法国际专家讲习班 | | International expert workshop on methodologies for indicators of sustainable development | |
可持续森林管理筹资信息指南 | kě chí xù sēn lín guǎn lǐ chóu zī xìn xī zhǐ nán | CPF Sourcebook on Funding for Sustainable Forest Management / Sourcebook on Funding for Sustainable Forest Management | |
科学和技术促进可持续发展会议 | | Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development | |
非洲青年可持续发展网络 | | African Youth Network for Sustainable Development | |
可持续全球增长伙伴关系宣言 | kě chí xù quán qiú zēng zhǎng huǒ bàn guān xì xuān yán | Declaration on Partnership for Sustainable Global Growth | |
可持续发展问题高级妇女咨询组 | | Senior Women's Advisory Group on Sustainable Development | |
环境与可持续发展指导委员会 | | Steering Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development | |
无害环境的可持续发展 | | environmentally sound and sustainable development | |
自愿和可持续回归议定书 | | Protocol on Voluntary and Sustainable Returns | |
国家促进可持续发展环境计划 | | National Environmental Plan for Sustainable Development | |
环境与可持续发展小组委员会 | | Subcommittee on Environment and Sustainable Development | |
印度环境和可持续发展中心 | | Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development India | |
可持续发展部 | | Sustainable Development Department | |
联合国新兴技术与可持续发展论坛 | | United Nations Forum on New and Emerging Technologies and Sustainable Development | |
主管政策协调和可持续发展副秘书长 | | Under-Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development | |
可持续发展问题土着人民执行计划 | | Indigenous Peoples Plan of Implementation on Sustainable Development | |
泛非环境与可持续性发展会议 | | Pan-African Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development | |
环境保护与可持续发展, 法律原则和建议 | | Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development, Legal Principles and Recommendations | |
授粉媒介国际倡议 | shòu fěn méi jiè guó jì chàng yì | International Initiative for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Pollinators / International Pollinator Initiative | |
养护和可持续利用授粉媒介国际倡议 | | International Initiative for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Pollinators / International Pollinator Initiative | |
土壤生物多样性倡议 | tǔ rǎng shēng wù duō yàng xìng chàng yì | International Initiative on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Soil Biodiversity / Soil Biodiversity Initiative | |
最高持续产量 | | maximum sustainable yield / maximum equilibrium catch / maximum sustained yield / sustainable catch | |
可持续城市发展网 | | sustainable urban development network | |
可持续发展教育和公众意识讲习班 | | Workshop on Education and Public Awareness for Sustainable Development | |
无害环境而又可持续的做法 | | environmentally sound and sustainable practices | |
可持续性捕获量 | | sustainable catch | |
稳定捕获量 | | sustainable catch | |
公平和可持续人类发展 | | equitable and sustainable human development | |
可持续消费和生产 | | sustainable consumption and production | |
可持续林业倡议 | kě chí xù lín yè chàng yì | Sustainable Forestry Initiative | |
环境上可持续的发展 | | environmentally sustainable development | |
可持续畜牧业 | | sustainable livestock | |
国际可持续发展法中心 | | Centre for International Sustainable Development Law | |
泽伊斯特可持续家庭设施讲习班 | | Zeist Workshop on Facilities for a Sustainable Household | |
可持续发展伙伴关系国际论坛 | | International Forum on Partnership for Sustainable Development | |
? | | Development situation from a sustainable human development perspective | |
旅行社促进可持续旅游发展倡议 | | Tour Operators Initiative for Sustainable Tourism Development | |
消除贫穷和可持续生计方桉 | | Poverty Elimination and Sustainable Livelihoods Programme | |
可持续发展资金 | | sustainable development funds | |
环境上可持续的技术 | | environmentally sustainable technology | |
亚太区域可持续矿物供应讲习班 | | Workshop on Sustainable Minerals Supply in the Asia and Pacific Region | |
可持续消费和生产工作方桉 | | Work Programme on Sustainable Consumption and Production | |
可持续生计方案 | kě chí xù shēng jì fāng àn | Sustainable Livelihoods Programme | |
世界可持续农业协会 | | World Sustainable Agricultural Association | |
热带雨林可持续管理 | rè dài yǔ lín kě chí xù guǎn lǐ | Tropical Rain Forest Sustainable Management | |
旅游业可持续发展区域行动纲领 | | Regional Action Programme for Sustainable Tourism Development | |
南太平洋人口与可持续发展部长级会议 | | South Pacific Ministerial Meeting on Population and Sustainable Development | |
可持续能源司 | kě chí xù néng yuán sī | Sustainable Energy Division | |
环境和可持续发展咨询委员会 | | Advisory Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development | |
美洲可持续发展首脑会议 | | Summit of the Americas on Sustainable Development | |
人居企业奖 | rén jū qǐ yè jiǎng | 2009 Habitat Business Award for Sustainable Urbanization: Innovation, Affordability, Impact, Sustainability / Habitat Business Award | |
可持续城市发展 | | Sustainable Urban Development | |
奥斯陆可持续生产和消费圆桌会议 | | Oslo Ministerial Roundtable Conference on Sustainable Production and Consumption | |
亚太森林恢复与可持续管理网络 | | Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation | |
机构间青年与可持续发展指导委员会 | | Inter-Agency Steering Committee on Youth and Sustainable Development | |
入口、可持续发展和生殖健康工作组 | | Working Group on Population, Sustainable Development and Reproductive Health | |
联合国可持续发展水奖 | | United Nations Water Prize for Sustainable Development / UN Water Prize | |
国家可持续发展战略 | | National Sustainable Development Strategy / National Strategy for Sustainable Development | |