电 话 diàn huà telephone / CL:部[bu4] / phone call / CL:通[tong1] / phone number 德 律 风 dé lu:4 fēng telephone (loanword) 打 电 话 dǎ diàn huà to make a telephone call 来 电 lái diàn incoming telephone call (or telegram) / to phone in / to send in a telegram / to have an instant attraction to sb / to come back (of electricity, after an outage) 耳 机 ěr jī headphones / earphones / telephone receiver 通 话 tōng huà to hold a conversation / to talk over the telephone / phone call 电 话 号 码 diàn huà hào mǎ telephone number / CL:串[chuan4] 移 动 电 话 yí dòng diàn huà mobile telephone 拨 号 bō hào to dial a telephone number 总 机 zǒng jī central exchange / telephone exchange / switchboard 固 定 电 话 gù dìng diàn huà landline telephone / fixed-line telephone 电 话 机 diàn huà jī telephone set 电 话 线 diàn huà xiàn telephone line / telephone wire 电 话 簿 diàn huà bù telephone directory 电 话 卡 diàn huà kǎ telephone card 听 筒 tīng tǒng telephone receiver / headphone / earphone / earpiece / stethoscope 电 线 杆 diàn xiàn gǎn electric pole / telephone pole / lamppost / CL:根[gen1] 电 线 杆 diàn xiàn gān electric pole / telephone pole / lamppost / CL:根[gen1] 电 话 亭 diàn huà tíng telephone booth 靓 号 liàng hào desirable number (for one's telephone, license plate etc) (i.e. one that includes memorable or auspicious combinations of digits) 么 yāo youngest / most junior / tiny / one (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out numbers, esp. on telephone or in military) / one or ace on dice or dominoes / variant of 吆[yao1], to shout 电 话 网 diàn huà wǎng telephone network 无 绳 电 话 wú shéng diàn huà cordless telephone 电 话 区 号 diàn huà qū hào telephone area code 区 码 qū mǎ area code / telephone dialing code 电 杆 diàn gān electric pole / telephone pole 配 线 架 pèi xiàn jià telephone frame / distributing frame 无 线 电 话 wú xiàn diàn huà radio telephony / wireless telephone 电 话 线 路 diàn huà xiàn lù telephone line 电 diàn lightning / electricity / electric (bound form) / to get (or give) an electric shock / phone call or telegram etc / to send via telephone or telegram etc 电 告 diàn gào to inform by telegraph, telephone etc 幺 yāo youngest / most junior / tiny / one (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out numbers, esp. on telephone or in military) / one or ace on dice or dominoes / variant of 吆[yao1], to shout 传 呼 电 话 chuán hū diàn huà neighborhood telephone, with sb in charge of notifying others when they receive a call 拨 号 盘 bō hào pán telephone dial 常 规 铜 电 话 线 cháng guī tóng diàn huà xiàn ordinary copper telephone line 电 话 服 务 diàn huà fú wù telephone service 电 话 网 路 diàn huà wǎng lù telephone network 电 话 信 号 diàn huà xìn hào telephone signal 公 共 交 换 电 话 网 路 gōng gòng jiāo huàn diàn huà wǎng lù public switched telephone network / PSTN 公 用 交 换 电 话 网 gōng yòng jiāo huàn diàn huà wǎng public switched telephone network / PSTN 公 众 电 信 网 路 gōng zhòng diàn xìn wǎng lù public telephone network 国 际 电 报 电 话 咨 询 委 员 会 Guó jì Diàn bào Diàn huà Zī xún Wěi yuán huì International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT) 国 际 电 话 电 报 谘 询 委 员 会 guó jì diàn huà diàn bào zī xún wěi yuán huì International Consultative Committee for Telephone and Telegraph / CCITT (now ITU) 日 本 电 报 电 话 公 司 Rì běn Diàn bào Diàn huà Gōng sī Nippon Telegraph and Telephone / NTT 移 动 式 电 话 yí dòng shì diàn huà mobile telephone 程 控 电 话 chéng kòng diàn huà automatic telephone exchange 线 杆 xiàn gǎn telephone pole / utility pole 电 话 区 码 diàn huà qū mǎ area code / telephone dialing code 电 话 门 Diàn huà Mén "Phone Gate", corruption scandal unearthed through telephone records 电 话 接 线 员 diàn huà jiē xiàn yuán telephone operator 移 动 电 话 系 统 yí dòng diàn huà xì tǒng cellular telephone system 电 话 交 换 台 diàn huà jiāo huàn tái telephone exchange 微 型 电 话 交 换 台 wēi xíng diàn huà jiāo huàn tái mini telephone exchange 电 话 器 材 diàn huà qì cái telephone instrument 模 拟 电 话 mú nǐ diàn huà analog telephone 电 话 投 票 diàn huà tóu piào telephone voting 公 用 电 话 交 换 网 gōng yòng diàn huà jiāo huàn wǎng public switched telephone network 电 话 招 待 员 Telephone Receptionist 野 战 电 话 机 yě zhàn diàn huà jī field telephone 普 通 老 式 电 话 业 务 pǔ tòng lǎo shì diàn huà yè wù plain old telephone service 移 动 式 电 话 系 统 yí dòng shì diàn huà xì tǒng mobile telephone system 保 密 电 话 bǎo mì diàn huà secure telephone / secure phone 电 话 技 工 diàn huà jì gōng Telephone Technician 农 村 电 话 中 继 线 rural telephone link 小 型 PABX电 话 交 换 台 small PABX telephone exchange 中 型 PABX电 话 交 换 台 medium PABX telephone exchange 大 型 电 话 交 换 台 large telephone exchange 农 村 电 话 中 继 器 rural telephone repeater 电 话 线 路 工 工 具 telephone lineman's toolkit 电 话 测 试 机 telephone test butt 国 际 电 报 电 话 协 商 委 员 会 International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee 世 界 电 报 电 话 行 政 会 议 World Administrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference 拆 机 chāi jī to dismantle a machine / to terminate a telephone service 补 卡 bǔ kǎ to replace a lost or damaged SIM card, retaining one's original telephone number / SIM replacement 叉 簧 chā huáng switch hook (button or cradle of a telephone, whose function is to disconnect the call) 话 亭 huà tíng telephone booth 电 商 diàn shāng e-commerce (abbr. for 電子商務|电子商务[dian4 zi3 shang1 wu4]) / (old) to negotiate by telegram or telephone 来 电 答 铃 lái diàn dá líng (Tw) ringback tone (heard by the originator of a telephone call) 红 机 hóng jī red phone, a telephone in the secure internal phone system used by the CCP elite 电 访 diàn fǎng (Tw) to make a telephone call (generally as a representative of a company, school or agency etc, to an individual, often for the purpose of conducting a survey) (abbr. for 電話訪問|电话访问) 插 卡 式 chā kǎ shì (of a device, e.g. public telephone, ticket inspection machine) designed to have a card or ticket inserted