恐怖主义 | kǒng bù zhǔ yì | terrorism | |
反恐 | fǎn kǒng | anti-terrorism / to fight against terrorism | |
反恐战争 | fǎn kǒng zhàn zhēng | war on terrorism | |
报复性恐怖主义 | bào fù xìng kǒng bù zhǔ yì | retaliatory terrorism | |
支恐 | zhī kǒng | to support terrorism / abbr. for 支持恐怖主義|支持恐怖主义[zhi1 chi2 kong3 bu4 zhu3 yi4] | |
反恐怖主义全球方案 | fǎn kǒng bù zhǔ yì quán qiú fāng àn | Global Programme against Terrorism | |
阿拉伯制止恐怖主义公约 | | Arab Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism | |
欧盟理事会恐怖主义问题工作组 | | European Union Council Working Party on Terrorism / Council Working Party on Terrorism | |
放射性恐怖主义 | fàng shè xìng kǒng bù zhǔ yì | radiological terrorism | |
关于恐怖主义的声明 | | Declaration on Terrorism | |
葡语国家共同体打击国际恐怖主义宣言 | | Declaration of the Community of Portuguese-speaking countries on the fight against international terrorism | |
制止向恐怖主义提供资助的国际公约 | | International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism | |
美洲国家反恐怖主义公约 | | Inter-American Convention against Terrorism | |
欧亚反洗钱与反恐融资小组 | | Eurasian Group on Combating Money-Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism | |
防止和惩治恐怖主义公约 | | Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism | |
非统组织防止和打击恐怖主义公约 | | OAU Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism | |
恐怖主义问题专家委员会 | | Committee of Experts on Terrorism | |
渥太华打击恐怖主义部长宣言 | | Ottawa Ministerial Declaration on Countering Terrorism | |
核恐怖主义 | hé kǒng bù zhǔ yì | nuclear terrorism | |
合作反对国际恐怖主义联合声明 | hé zuò fǎn duì guó jì kǒng bù zhǔ yì lián hé shēng míng | Joint Declaration for Cooperation to Combat International Terrorism | |
农业恐怖主义 | nóng yè kǒng bù zhǔ yì | agricultural terrorism / agroterrorism | |
关于国际恐怖主义的全面公约 | | comprehensive convention on international terrorism | |
反恐综合援助倡议 | fǎn kǒng zōng hé yuán zhù chàng yì | Integrated Assistance for Countering Terrorism Initiative / I-ACT Initiative | |
反恐综合援助 | fǎn kǒng zōng hé yuán zhù | Integrated Assistance for Countering Terrorism | |
打击核恐怖主义全球倡议 | | Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism | |
布加勒斯特打击恐怖主义行动计划 | | Bucharest Plan of Action for Combating Terrorism | |
对付资助恐怖主义行为工作组 | | Working Group on Tackling the Financing of Terrorism | |
预防恐怖主义处 | | Terrorism Prevention Branch | |
评价反洗钱和反恐融资措施专家委员会 | | Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism | |
修正欧洲制止恐怖主义公约的议定书 | | Protocol amending the European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism | |
南盟制止恐怖主义活动区域公约 | | SAARC Regional Convention on Suppression of Terrorism | |
环境恐怖主义 | huán jìng kǒng bù zhǔ yì | environmental terrorism | |
反恐怖主义协调小组 | | Coordination Team in the Fight against Terrorism | |
非洲恐怖主义问题研究中心 | | African Centre for Studies and Research on Terrorism | |
消除恐怖主义吸引力政策中心 | | Center on Policies to Counter the Appeal of Terrorism | |
国家和商业界打击恐怖主义伙伴关系战略 | | Strategy for Partnerships between States and Businesses to Counter Terrorism | |
海关-商贸反恐伙伴伙伴 | | Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism | |
自杀式恐怖主义 | zì shā shì kǒng bù zhǔ yì | suicide terrorism | |
非洲恐怖主义研究中心 | | African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism | |
圣彼得堡议会间反恐论坛 | | Saint Petersburg Interparliamentary Forum on Combating Terrorism | |
制止核恐怖主义行为国际公约 | | International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism | |
国际恐怖主义问题特设委员会 | | Ad Hoc Committee established by General Assembly resolution 51 / 210 of 17 December 1996 / Ad Hoc Committee on International Terrorism | |
国际反恐怖主义行动跨专业小组 | | Multidisciplinary Group on international action against terrorism / Multidisciplinary Group on Terrorism | |
反恐怖主义跨专业小组 | fǎn kǒng bù zhǔ yì kuà zhuān yè xiǎo zǔ | Multidisciplinary Group on international action against terrorism / Multidisciplinary Group on Terrorism | |
反恐怖主义委员会 | | Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001) concerning counter-terrorism / Counter-Terrorism Committee / Committee to Combat Terrorism | |
全球恐怖主义评估 | | Global Terrorism Assessment | |
国家恐怖主义情况报告 | guó jiā kǒng bù zhǔ yì qíng kuàng bào gào | Country Terrorism Situation Report | |
支持和关注恐怖主义受害者工作组 | | Working Group on Supporting and Highlighting Victims of Terrorism | |
预防国际恐怖主义股 | yù fáng guó jì kǒng bù zhǔ yì gǔ | Prevention of International Terrorism Unit | |
全面研究恐怖主义与人权问题特别报告员 | | Special Rapporteur to conduct a comprehensive study on terrorism and human rights | |
打击恐怖主义工作组 | | Working Group on Counter Terrorism | |
保护人权不受恐怖主义侵犯法典 | bǎo hù rén quán bù shòu kǒng bù zhǔ yì qīn fàn fǎ diǎn | code for the protection of human rights against terrorism | |
在反恐的同时保护人权问题工作组 | | Working Group on Protecting Human Rights While Countering Terrorism | |
灾难性恐怖主义 | | catastrophic terrorism | |
联合国反恐事务高级专员办事处 | | office of the high commissioner on terrorism | |
国际信息恐怖主义 | | international information terrorism | |
打击核恐怖主义行动计划 | | plan of activities to combat nuclear terrorism | |
欧盟制止激进化和恐怖主义征召战略 | | European Union Strategy for Combating Radicalisation and Recruitment to Terrorism | |
反洗钱和打击资助恐怖主义行为 | | anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism | |
沃尔夫斯贝格制止资助恐怖主义行为声明 | | Wolfsberg Statement on the suppression of the financing of terrorism | |
国家支持的恐怖主义 | | State-sponsored terrorism | |
反恐伙伴行动计划 | | Partnership Action Plan against Terrorism | |
吉隆坡国际恐怖主义问题宣言 | | Kuala Lumpur Declaration on International Terrorism | |
国际恐怖主义问题工作队 | | Task Force on International Terrorism | |
补充1994年消除国际恐怖主义措施宣言的宣言 | | Declaration to Supplement the 1994 Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism | |
消除国际恐怖主义措施宣言 | | Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism | |
预防、打击、消除恐怖主义利马宣言 | | Declaration of Lima to Prevent, Combat and Eliminate Terrorism | |
加强边境管制和国际反恐合作宣言 | | Declaration on Strengthening Border Controls and International Cooperation in the Fight Against Terrorism | |
达喀尔反恐怖主义宣言 | | Dakar Declaration against Terrorism | |
民主、恐怖主义和安全问题国际峰会 | | International Summit on Democracy, Terrorism and Security | |
人权与反恐怖主义斗争准则 | | Guidelines on Human Rights and the Fight against Terrorism | |
打击恐怖主义宣言 | | Declaration on Combating Terrorism | |
非洲恐怖主义问题会议 | | African conference on terrorism | |
中美洲联合一致反对恐怖主义 | | Central America united against terrorism | |
人权与打击恐怖主义问题专家组 | | Group of Specialists on Human Rights and the Fight Against Terrorism | |
恐怖主义和劫持问题工作组 | | Working Group on Terrorism and Hijacking | |
欧洲-地中海打击恐怖主义行为守则 | | Euro-Mediterranean Code of Conduct on Countering Terrorism | |
刑警组织恐怖主义观察名单 | | INTERPOL Terrorism Watch List | |
欧洲制止恐怖主义公约 | | European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism | |
打击国际恐怖主义的措施 | | measures against international terrorism | |
国际镇压恐怖主义会议 | | International Conference on the Repression of Terrorism | |
反恐工作组 | | Terrorism Working Group | |
欧洲委员会防止恐怖主义公约 | | Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism | |
恐怖主义危机管理演习 | | terrorism crisis management exercise | |
大规模恐怖主义 | | mass terrorism | |
研究国际恐怖主义的定义小组委员会 | | Sub-Committee to Study the Definition of International Terrorism | |
研究国际恐怖主义的根本原因小组委员会 | | Sub-Committee to Study the Underlying Causes of International Terrorism | |
反恐行动计划 | | EU Plan of Action on Combating Terrorism / Action Plan on Combating Terrorism | |
关于预防和制止国际恐怖主义的国际文书 | | International Instruments related to the Prevention and Suppression of International Terrorism | |
恐怖主义和为敲诈目的绑架人质公约 | | Convention on Terrorism and Kidnapping of Persons for Purposes of Extortion | |
理事会对采取具体反恐措施的共同立场 | | Council Common Position on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism | |
美洲反恐怖主义委员会 | | Inter-American Committee against Terrorism | |
打击恐怖主义和跨国犯罪喀土穆宣言 | | Khartoum Declaration on Combating Terrorism and Transnational Organized Crime | |
警方恐怖主义问题工作组 | | Police Working Group on Terrorism | |
联合国与恐怖主义问题政策工作组 | | Policy Working Group on the United Nations and Terrorism | |
反恐综合援助工作组 | | Integrated Assistance for Countering Terrorism working group | |
反恐行动股 | | Action against Terrorism Unit | |
大规模毁灭性武器恐怖主义 | | weapons of mass destruction terrorism / WMD terrorism | |
美洲恐怖主义问题专门会议 | | Inter-American Specialized Conference on Terrorism | |
国际恐怖主义问题国际会议 | | international conference on international terrorism | |