木 料 mù liào lumber / timber 材 cái material / timber / ability / aptitude / a capable individual / coffin (old) 材 质 cái zhì texture of timber / quality of material / material (that sth is made of) 木 头 mù tou slow-witted / blockhead / log (of wood, timber etc) / CL:塊|块[kuai4],根[gen1] 成 材 chéng cái to make sth of oneself / to become a person who is worthy of respect / (of a tree) to grow to full size / to become useful for timber 毛 竹 máo zhú moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis), used as timber etc 木 已 成 舟 mù yǐ chéng zhōu lit. the timber has been turned into a boat already (idiom) / fig. what is done cannot be undone 陈 化 chén huà to age / to mature (wine, timber etc) 良 材 liáng cái good timber / sound material / fig. able person / sound chap 应 县 木 塔 yìng xiàn mù tǎ the timber pagoda of the Fogong Temple in Ying County, Shanxi, built in 1056 (Song dynasty) 正 仓 院 Zhēng cāng yuàn Shōsō-in, a timber structure in Nara, Japan, built to house hundreds of artifacts bequeathed to the Tōdai-ji temple by the Japanese emperor Shōmu, who died in 756 锯 木 jù mù to saw timber 锯 木 厂 jù mù chǎng saw mill / timber mill 国 际 热 带 木 材 协 定 guó jì rè dài mù cái xié dìng International Tropical Timber Agreement 木 材 集 运 mù cái jí yùn extraction of timber / timber extraction 东 盟 木 材 技 术 中 心 ASEAN Timber Technology Centre 至 2000年 及 其 后 欧 洲 木 材 趋 势 和 展 望 European Timber Trends and Prospects to the Year 2000 and Beyond 木 材 制 裁 审 查 委 员 会 Timber Sanctions Review Committee / Committee to Review Sanctions on Log and Timber Trade 欧 洲 木 材 趋 势 与 前 景 研 究 Study on European Timber Trends and Prospects 国 际 热 带 木 材 技 术 协 会 International Technical Tropical Timber Association 贸 易 和 木 材 司 Trade and Timber Division 建 立 国 际 热 带 木 材 局 协 定 jiàn lì guó jì rè dài mù cái jú xié dìng Agreement establishing the International Tropical Timber Bureau 东 南 亚 国 家 合 作 销 售 热 带 木 材 产 品 专 家 组 Expert Group on Cooperation Among Southeast Asian Countries in the Marketing of Tropical Timber Products 国 际 热 带 木 材 理 事 会 International Tropical Timber Council 国 际 热 带 木 材 理 事 会 筹 备 委 员 会 Preparatory Committee for the International Tropical Timber Council 木 材 证 书 工 作 组 Working Group on Timber Certification 禁 止 木 材 进 口 timber import ban 联 合 国 热 带 木 材 会 议 United Nations Conference on Tropical Timber / United Nations Tropical Timber Conference 血 木 材 blood timber 木 材 采 伐 timber harvesting / forest harvesting 国 际 热 带 木 材 组 织 International Tropical Timber Organization 木 材 委 员 会 Committee on Timber 非 洲 木 材 组 织 African Timber Organization 木 材 制 裁 timber sanctions 森 林 和 木 材 产 品 联 合 工 作 队 Joint Working Party on Forestry and Timber Products 木 材 出 口 禁 令 timber export ban 森 林 线 tree line / timber line 树 木 线 tree line / timber line 锯 材 sawn timber 顺 山 倒 shùn shān dǎo Timber! (lumberjack's warning call) 栐 yǒng (archaic) a kind of tree whose timber was used to make ceremonial tablets 笏[hu4]