"Torrent" • Chinese-English Dictionary

CHARACTERS : Simplified Traditional
PHONETIC : Pinyin Bopomofo EFEO Wade-Giles Yale
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 jī liú torrent / torrential current / whitewater
 jí liú torrent
 xiè to flow out swiftly / to flood / a torrent / diarrhea / laxative
 shǐ liú swiftly flowing / torrent
 tāo tāo bù jué unceasing torrent (idiom) / talking non-stop / gabbling forty to the dozen
 shān hóng mountain flash flood / mountain torrent
 ní shí liú landslide / torrent of mud and stones / mudslide
 kǒu ruò xuán hé mouth like a torrent (idiom) / eloquent / glib / voluble / have the gift of the gab
 xuán hé "hanging" river (an embanked one whose riverbed is higher than the surrounding floodplain) / (literary) waterfall / cataract / (fig.) torrent of words
 pèi torrent of rain
 gǒu xiě pēn tóu torrent of abuse (idiom)
 gǒu xuè lín tóu lit. to pour dog's blood on (idiom) / fig. torrent of abuse
 yún rushing of a torrent
 zhà shī sudden movement of a corpse (superstition) / fig. sudden torrent of abuse
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