考验 | kǎo yàn | to test / to put to the test / trial / ordeal | |
审判 | shěn pàn | a trial / to try sb | |
磨难 | mó nàn | a torment / a trial / tribulation / a cross (to bear) / well-tried | |
审讯 | shěn xùn | inquest / trial / interrogation / to try / to interrogate | |
试办 | shì bàn | to try sth out / trial / pilot scheme | |
试点 | shì diǎn | test point / to carry out trial / pilot scheme | |
试用期 | shì yòng qī | trial period / probationary period | |
初审 | chū shěn | preliminary trial | |
受审 | shòu shěn | on trial (for a crime) / to stand trial | |
试车 | shì chē | to test drive / a trial run | |
临床试验 | lín chuáng shì yàn | clinical trial / therapeutic trial / intervention study | |
试制 | shì zhì | to try out a new product (or manufacturing process) / prototype / trial product | |
试穿 | shì chuān | to try wearing clothes / fitting trial | |
角力 | jué lì | wrestling / a trial of strength | |
审结 | shěn jié | to adjudicate / to finish a trial / to try and pass verdict | |
候审 | hòu shěn | awaiting trial | |
被上诉人 | bèi shàng sù rén | appellee (side that won in trial court, whose victory is being appealed by losing side) | |
提审 | tí shěn | to commit sb for trial / to bring sb for interrogation | |
试种 | shì zhòng | test planting / crop grown on a trial basis | |
公审 | gōng shěn | public trial (in a court of law) | |
试映 | shì yìng | preview (of a movie) / trial screening | |
试销 | shì xiāo | trial sale / test marketing | |
试婚 | shì hūn | trial marriage / to live together before deciding whether to marry | |
试播 | shì bō | trial broadcast | |
过堂 | guò táng | to appear in court for trial (old) / (of Buddhist monks) to have a meal together in the temple hall | |
试航 | shì háng | test flight (of aircraft) / sea trial (of ship) | |
计时赛 | jì shí sài | time trial (e.g. in cycle race) / timed race / competition against the clock | |
试算表 | shì suàn biǎo | spreadsheet / trial balance (accountancy) | |
试错 | shì cuò | trial and error (abbr. for 嘗試錯誤|尝试错误[chang2 shi4 cuo4 wu4]) | |
听审 | tīng shěn | to attend court / to take part in a trial | |
公判 | gōng pàn | public opinion / public announcement of verdict at a trial | |
提讯 | tí xùn | to bring sb to trial | |
引而不发 | yǐn ér bù fā | to pull the bow without shooting (idiom from Mencius) / ready and waiting for action / to go through the motions / to practice / a trial run | |
受试者 | shòu shì zhě | subject (in an experiment) / participant (in a clinical trial etc) | |
试用品 | shì yòng pǐn | prototype / trial product / test sample | |
公平审判权 | gōng píng shěn pàn quán | the right to a fair trial | |
吊审 | diào shěn | to bring to trial / to bring to court | |
审处 | shěn chǔ | to deliberate and decide / to try and punish / trial and execution | |
布哈林 | Bù hā lín | Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin (1888-1938), Soviet revolutionary theorist, executed after a show trial in 1937 | |
承审法官 | chéng shěn fǎ guān | trial judge | |
接受审问 | jiē shòu shěn wèn | under interrogation (for a crime) / on trial | |
智力测验 | zhì lì cè yàn | intelligence trial / IQ test | |
秋审 | qiū shěn | autumn trial (judicial hearing of capital cases during Ming and Qing) | |
临时分居 | lín shí fēn jū | trial separation | |
计时比赛 | jì shí bǐ sài | time trial (e.g. in cycle race) / timed race / competition against the clock | |
计时测验 | jì shí cè yàn | time trial | |
试工 | shì gōng | to work for a trial period / worker on probation | |
试手 | shì shǒu | to work for a trial period / worker on probation | |
试杯 | shì bēi | Petri dish / test dish / trial slide | |
试爆 | shì bào | trial explosion / nuclear test | |
试读 | shì dú | to read a sample chapter of a book / to subscribe to a publication on a trial basis / to attend classes on a trial basis | |
交叉研究 | jiāo chā yán jiū | crossover study / crossover trial | |
性能试验 | xìng néng shì yàn | performance trial | |
临床终末点研究 | lín chuáng zhōng mò diǎn yán jiū | clinical endpoint study / clinical endpoint trial | |
三盲试验 | sān máng shì yàn | triple-blind trial / triple-blind study / triple-masked trial | |
临床试验方案 | lín chuáng shì yàn fāng àn | trial protocol / study protocol | |
保外候审 | bǎo wài hòu shěn | pre-trial release / release pending trial / provisional release from custody | |
临时释放 | lín shí shì fàng | pre-trial release / release pending trial / provisional release from custody | |
双盲分析 | double-blind trial / double-blind study / double-masked trial | ||
双盲程序 | shuāng máng chéng xù | double-blind trial / double-blind study / double-masked trial | |
审判准备工作队 | shěn pàn zhǔn bèi gōng zuò duì | Trial Preparation Team | |
等待审判或上诉的人员的拘留规则 | Rules Governing the Detention of Persons Awaiting Trial or Appeal | ||
未经起诉或审判的行政拘留 | administrative detention without charge or trial | ||
审判分庭 | Trial Chamber | ||
安全试验 | ān quán shì yàn | safety trial / safety study | |
平行组试验 | parallel group trial / parallel trial / independent group design | ||
公平审判 | gōng píng shěn pàn | fair trial | |
临床试验场所 | lín chuáng shì yàn chǎng suǒ | clinical trial site | |
公开试验 | gōng kāi shì yàn | open-label study / non-masked trial / open trial | |
疗效试验 | liáo xiào shì yàn | efficacy study / efficacy trial | |
疗效研究 | liáo xiào yán jiū | efficacy study / efficacy trial | |
试验组 | shì yàn zǔ | trial arm / study arm / arm | |
无对照试验 | wú duì zhào shì yàn | uncontrolled trial / uncontrolled experiment | |
对照试验 | duì zhào shì yàn | controlled trial / controlled experiment | |
安慰剂对照试验 | ān wèi jì duì zhào shì yàn | placebo-controlled trial / placebo-controlled experiment | |
交叉试验 | crossover study / crossover trial | ||
随机临床试验 | suí jī lín chuáng shì yàn | randomized clinical trial | |
随机对照试验 | suí jī duì zhào shì yàn | randomized controlled trial | |
单机检测 | single-machine trial / single-machine test | ||
多中心试验 | multicentre study / multicentre trial | ||
多中心研究 | multicentre study / multicentre trial | ||
多名被告审判 | duō míng bèi gào shěn pàn | multi-accused trial | |
审判股 | shěn pàn gǔ | Trial Unit | |
神明裁判 | shén míng cái pàn | trial by ordeal | |
神判法 | shén pàn fǎ | trial by ordeal | |
试罪法 | shì zuì fǎ | trial by ordeal | |
审判法院 | shěn pàn fǎ yuàn | trial court | |
初审法院 | chū shěn fǎ yuàn | trial court | |
出庭律师 | chū tíng lu:4 shī | trial lawyer | |
庭审律师 | tíng shěn lu:4 shī | trial lawyer | |
开发环境中的试验 | trial in the open environment | ||
高级出庭律师 | gāo jí chū tíng lu:4 shī | Senior Trial Lawyer | |
审判法官 | shěn pàn fǎ guān | trial judge | |
单盲试验 | single-blind trial / single-blind study / single masked-trial | ||
获得公平审判的权利问题特别报告员 | Special Rapporteurs on the right to a fair trial | ||
心律失常抑制试验 | Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial | ||
试行开放天空 | Open Skies trial / Open Skies trial flight | ||
紧急状态下保护人权特别是公平审判权利 | The protection of human rights under states of emergency, particularly the right to a fair trial | ||
公平合理审判 | fair and just trial | ||
审判支助助理 | Trial Support Assistant |