十二 | shí èr | twelve / 12 | |
时段 | shí duàn | time interval / work shift / time slot / the twelve two-hour divisions of the day | |
生肖 | shēng xiào | one of the twelve animals symbolic of the earthly branches 地支[di4 zhi1] / animal from the Chinese zodiac | |
十二星座 | shí èr xīng zuò | the twelve signs of the zodiac | |
干支 | gān zhī | the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1] and twelve earthly branches 十二枝 / sexagenary cycle | |
十二宫 | shí èr gōng | the twelve equatorial constellations or signs of the zodiac in Western astronomy and astrology, namely: Aries 白羊[Bai2 yang2], Taurus 金牛[Jin4 niu2], Gemini 雙子|双子[Shuang1 zi3], Cancer 巨蟹[Ju4 xie4], Leo 獅子|狮子[Shi1 zi3], Virgo 室女[Shi4 nu:3], Libra 天秤[Tian1 cheng4], Scorpio 天蠍|天蝎[Tian1 xie1], Sagittarius 人馬|人马[Ren2 ma3], Capricorn 摩羯[Mo2 jie2], Aquarius 寶瓶|宝瓶[Bao3 ping2], Pisces 雙魚|双鱼[Shuang1 yu2] | |
胸椎 | xiōng zhuī | thoracic vertebra / the twelve thoracic vertebras behind the ribcage of humans and most mammals | |
吕 | lu:3 | pitchpipe, pitch standard, one of the twelve semitones in the traditional tone system | |
十二时辰 | shí èr shí chen | twelve divisions of the day of early Chinese and Babylonian timekeeping and astronomy | |
十二经 | shí èr jīng | twelve channels of TCM | |
十二经脉 | shí èr jīng mài | twelve channels of TCM | |
子丑 | zǐ chǒu | first two of the twelve earthly branches 十二地支 / by ext., the earthly branches | |
欧洲共同体十二成员国外交部长会议 | | Meeting of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Twelve States members of the European Community | |
十二党集团 | | Group of Twelve | |