薪水 | xīn shuǐ | salary / wage | |
薪金 | xīn jīn | salary / wage | |
薪给 | xīn jǐ | salary / wage | |
大战 | dà zhàn | war / to wage war | |
交战 | jiāo zhàn | to fight / to wage war | |
透支 | tòu zhī | (banking) to overdraw / to take out an overdraft / an overdraft / to overspend (i.e. expenditure in excess of revenue) / (old) to draw one's wage in advance / (fig.) to exhaust (one's enthusiasm, energy etc) / to damage a natural resource through overuse | |
工资总额 | gōng zī zǒng é | wage bill | |
计件工资 | jì jiàn gōng zī | piece rate wage / remuneration based on one's output / opposite: time rate wage 計時工資|计时工资[ji4 shi2 gong1 zi1] | |
对仗 | duì zhàng | antithesis (two lines of poetry matching in sense and sound) / to fight / to wage war | |
日薪 | rì xīn | daily wage | |
调资 | tiáo zī | wage adjustment / to raise or lower wages | |
计时工资 | jì shí gōng zī | time rate wage / remuneration based on one's time and skill / opposite: piece rate wage 計件工資|计件工资[ji4 jian4 gong1 zi1] | |
八级工 | bā jí gōng | grade 8 worker (highest on the eight grade wage scale) / top-grade worker | |
八级工资制 | bā jí gōng zī zhì | eight grade wage scale (system) | |
搏战 | bó zhàn | to fight / to struggle / to wage war | |
最高工资限额 | zuì gāo gōng zī xiàn é | wage ceiling | |
时薪 | shí xīn | hourly wage | |
农业确定最低工资办法公约 | Convention concerning Minimum Wage Fixing Machinery in Agriculture | ||
家庭总工资收入 | jiā tíng zǒng gōng zī shōu rù | family wage | |
家庭薪率 | family wage | ||
克扣工资 | wage theft | ||
性别工资差异 | gender wage gap | ||
工资基线 | wage baseline | ||
工薪雇员 | wage employee | ||
维生工资 | subsistence wage | ||
工资差异 | wage differential | ||
生活工资 | living wage |