发牢骚 | fā láo sāo | to whine / to be grouchy | |
哀鸣 | āi míng | (of animals, the wind etc) to make a mournful sound / whine / moan / wail | |
靠腰 | kào yāo | (lit.) to cry from hunger (from Taiwanese 哭枵, Tai-lo pr. [khàu-iau]) / (slang) (Tw) to whine / shut the hell up! / fuck! / damn! | |
叫苦 | jiào kǔ | to whine about hardships / to complain of one's bitter lot / to complain / to grumble | |
哀鸿遍野 | āi hóng biàn yě | lit. plaintive whine of geese (idiom) / fig. land swarming with disaster victims / starving people fill the land | |
叫苦连天 | jiào kǔ lián tiān | to whine on for days (idiom) / to endlessly grumble complaints / incessant whining | |
哭天抹泪 | kū tiān mǒ lèi | to wail and whine / piteous weeping |