窗 户 chuāng hu window / CL:個|个[ge4],扇[shan4] 窗 口 chuāng kǒu window / opening providing restricted access (e.g. customer service window) / computer operating system window / fig. medium / intermediary / showpiece / testing ground 视 窗 shì chuāng a window (on a computer screen) 窗 子 chuāng zi window 楪 dié small dish / window 囱 门 cōng mén window / chimney 窗 扇 chuāng shàn window / the opening panel of a window 风 窗 fēng chuāng air vent / louver / window 窗 口 期 chuāng kǒu qī window (interval of time) / (epidemiology) window period 窗 帘 chuāng lián window curtains 车 窗 chē chuāng car window / window of vehicle (bus, train etc) 窗 台 chuāng tái window sill / window ledge 时 间 段 shí jiān duàn time window 橱 窗 chú chuāng display window 靠 窗 kào chuāng by the window (referring to seats on a plane etc) 铺 面 pù miàn front window / store front 落 地 窗 luò dì chuāng French window / CL:扇[shan4] 纱 窗 shā chuāng screen window 窗 棂 chuāng líng window lattice / window frame 窗 玻 璃 chuāng bō lí window pane 铁 窗 tiě chuāng window with an iron grating (apartment etc) / barred window of a prison cell 窗 框 chuāng kuàng window frame 蜘 蛛 人 Zhī zhū rén (coll.) high-rise window washer 探 身 tàn shēn to lean forward / to lean out (of a window, door etc) 插 销 chā xiāo bolt (for locking a window, cabinet etc) / (electrical) plug 窗 明 几 净 chuāng míng jī jìng lit. clear window and clean table (idiom) / fig. bright and clean 窗 饰 chuāng shì window decoration 钢 窗 gāng chuāng metal window 售 票 口 shòu piào kǒu ticket window 钩 gōu to hook / to sew / to crochet / hook / check mark or tick / window catch 幌 huǎng shop sign / (literary) window curtain 寮 liáo hut / shack / small window / variant of 僚[liao2] 牖 yǒu to enlighten / lattice window 樘 táng pillar / door post / door or window frame / classifier for doors or windows 阘 tà door or window in an upper story 闒 tà door or window in an upper story 明 窗 净 几 míng chuāng jìng jī lit. clear window and clean table (idiom) / fig. bright and clean (room) 筚 门 闺 窦 bì mén guī dòu wicker door, hole window (idiom) / fig. wretched hovel / living in poverty 荜 门 圭 窦 bì mén guī dòu wicker door, hole window (idiom) / fig. wretched hovel / living in poverty 云 窗 雾 槛 yún chuāng wù kǎn cloud around the window, mist on the threshold (idiom) / tall building with the windows in the clouds 吊 窗 diào chuāng a sash window 体 育 之 窗 tǐ yù zhī chuāng Window on Sports 卵 圆 窗 luǎn yuán chuāng oval window between middle and inner ear 太 阳 窗 tài yáng chuāng sun window / sun roof (of car) 弦 月 窗 xián yuè chuāng a narrow slit window / a lunette 户 牖 hù yǒu door and window / the home 窗 户 棂 chuāng hù líng window frame 窗 棂 子 chuāng líng zi window lattice / window frame 窗 钩 chuāng gōu window hook / window latch 绮 窗 qǐ chuāng beautifully decorated window 走 扇 zǒu shàn not closing properly (of door, window etc) 边 窗 biān chuāng side window 靠 窗 座 位 kào chuāng zuò wèi window seat 靠 窗 户 kào chuāng hu by the window (referring to seats on a plane etc) 双 层 玻 璃 窗 shuāng céng bō li chuāng double-glazed window 赠 款 窗 口 zèng kuǎn chuāng kǒu grants window 辐 射 屏 蔽 窗 radiation shielding window 光 学 窗 口 guāng xué chuāng kǒu optical window 开 发 署 妇 女 特 别 窗 口 次 级 信 托 基 金 Sub-trust Fund for the Special Window for Women 低 辐 射 窗 dī fú shè chuāng Low-E window 微 波 窗 wēi bō chuāng microwave window 希 望 之 窗 xī wàng zhī chuāng window of opportunity 紧 急 窗 口 emergency window 人 口 机 会 窗 口 demographic window 冲 击 窗 口 shock window / shocks window 有 利 发 射 时 机 launch window 发 射 窗 launch window 商 店 橱 窗 行 动 Operation Shop Window 叁 层 玻 璃 窗 triple-glazed thermal window 弹 窗 tán chuāng pop-up window (computing) 空 窗 期 kōng chuāng qī window period (time between infection and the appearance of detectable antibodies) / period during which sth is lacking (boyfriend or girlfriend, work, revenue, production of a commodity etc) / lull / hiatus 屉 子 tì zi drawer / stackable cooking vessel / woven mat on a bed frame or chair / woven window screen