- 严格地说你错了。
Strictly speaking, you are wrong.
- 对事情比较正经严肃。
Take things a little more seriously.
- 这房间內严禁吸烟。
Smoking is not allowed in this room.
- 她对他们很严酷。
She is hard on them.
- 他这个人嘴很严。
He is the last person to give away the secret.
- 皇宫警衞森严。
The palace was heavily guarded.
- 情况非常严重。
The situation is very serious.
- 今天早上天气严寒。
We had a heavy frost this morning.
- 他严格按照原则办事。
He is a stickler for principles.
- 她犯了一个严重的错误。
She made a serious mistake.