

  • to introduce
  • to lie between
  • between
  • shell
  • armor



  • 意我把灯关了?
    Do you mind if I turn off the light?
  • 意我抽烟吗?
    Do you mind if I smoke?
  • 意我在这里抽烟吗?
    Would you mind me smoking here?
  • 可以绍几道素菜吗?
    Can you recommend any vegetarian dishes?
  • 意跟我一起来吗?
    Would you mind coming with me?
  • 你不意我们早点走吧?
    Do you mind our leaving a little earlier?
  • 你应该向那个女孩自我绍的。
    You should have introduced yourself to the girl.
  • 意我用这本字典吗?
    Would you mind my using this dictionary?
  • 你不意的路上捡东西回来?
    Would you mind picking up something on the way back?
  • 有没有甚么好菜推
    What would you recommend we eat?
Chinese Tones