
  • low
  • beneath
  • to lower (one's head)
  • to let droop
  • to hang down
  • to incline



  • 温使水变成冰。
    Low temperatures turn water into ice.
  • 我觉得这张桌子了点。
    This desk is a little low for me.
  • 保持在较的温度。
    Keep it at a lower temperature.
  • 麻烦你把音量调一点。
    Turn down the volume, please.
  • 她弯身子,把钱币捡了起来。
    She bent down and picked up the coin.
  • 这个工作需要不于300美金。
    No less than three hundred dollars was needed for the work.
  • 你可以把音量调一点吗?
    Could you turn the volume down?
  • 他压声线,喃喃自语地说了些话。
    He muttered something under his breath.
  • 他压嗓门对她说:「我爱你。」
    He said to her under his breath, "I love you."
  • 你可以把电视的音量调一点吗?
    Would you please turn down the TV?
Chinese Tones