gōng gòng


  • public
  • common
  • communal



  • 我们乘公共汽车去上学。
    We go to school by bus.
  • 公共汽车上发生了什么事?
    What happened on the bus?
  • 我们在那里上了公共汽车。
    We got on the bus there.
  • 你是否坐公共汽车去上学?
    Do you go to school by bus?
  • 我们在新宿上公共汽车了。
    We got on the bus at Shinjuku.
  • 尼克急忙地赶上了公共汽车。
    Nick hurried to catch the bus.
  • 你决没决定骑自行车还是坐公共汽车去城里?
    Have you decided whether you are going into town by bike or by bus?
  • 生意停顿了以后,许多公共浴堂都添置了桑拿浴室、健身器材等的新设备
    After business came to a halt, many bathhouses added new facilities, such as saunas and exercise equipment, in an effort to attract customers.
  • 她看到蒙哥马利通了公共汽车、伯明翰接上了水管、塞尔马建了桥,一位
    She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that "We Shall Overcome." Yes, we can.
Chinese Tones