- 她为了个玩具在哭。
She was crying for a toy.
- 玩具部门在第五层。
The toy department is on the fifth floor.
- 房间里面的家具都很残旧了。
All the furniture in the room was all worn out.
- 所有的家具都佈满了灰尘。
All the furniture was covered with dust.
- 我们有很多家具。
We had a lot of furniture.
- 房子里家具太多了。
There is too much furniture in the house.
- 这些工具是用来造房子的。
These tools are used for building a house.
- 他天生具有不寻常的数学能力。
He is endowed with unusual ability in mathematics.
- 可以说说您的具体要求吗?
Could you tell me what your specific requirements are?
- 男人戴了一个老虎面具。
The man wore a mask of a tiger.