- 凉宫春日的忧郁
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi.
- 小心不要着凉。
Take care not to catch cold.
- 保存在阴凉的地方。
Keep it in a cool place.
- 她穿的衣服那么薄,可能会着凉。
She wore such thin clothes that she might well catch a cold.
- 最近的天气愈来愈凉爽了。
It is getting cooler and cooler.
- 看着眼前淒凉的景象,我们不禁流下了泪来。
The pitiful sight moved us to tears.
- 因为天气很热,所以我就走到阴凉的地方歇了一会儿。
It was so hot that I got into the shade and took a rest.
- 西班牙人最爱在晚上外出散散步、乘乘凉。
Spaniards love to stroll around in the evening cool.