- 在服务台另外预约。
Make another appointment at the front desk.
- 请给我看看另一个。
Please show me another.
- 那另外一队轻视了我们。
The other team took us lightly.
- 约翰离开了公司,另起炉灶。
John turned his back on the company and started on his own.
- 把另一张邮票贴在信封上。
Stick another stamp on the envelope.
- 他到另一边去了。
He went over to the other side.
- 最近我搬到另一栋公寓。
Recently I moved to another apartment.
- 今天强盗大白天的就抢了另一家银行。
The thieves knocked off another bank today in a daytime robbery.
- 这里的夏天很热,另外,冬天很干燥。
It gets very humid here in the summer. In the winter, on the other hand, it gets very dry.
- 我们听见自己说话的回音从山谷的另一边传了回来。
We heard the echo of our voices from the other side of the valley.