xī yān


  • to smoke



  • 吸烟的人请病假的日数比不吸烟的人多两倍。
    Smokers take twice as many days off sick as non-smokers.
  • 吸烟的人患上肺癌的风险比不吸烟的人高得多。
    Smokers are far more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers are.
  • 吸烟等于自杀。
    Smoking means suicide.
  • 别再吸烟了。
    Stop smoking.
  • 这房间內严禁吸烟
    Smoking is not allowed in this room.
  • 你不应在这里吸烟
    You are not supposed to smoke here.
  • 吸烟有害。
    Smoking kills.
  • 吸烟对身体有害。
    Smoking is not good for the health.
  • 他不吸烟
    He does not smoke.
Chinese Tones