

  • life
  • fate
  • order or command
  • to assign a name, title etc



  • 他冒著生危险救了我的
    He saved my life at the risk of his own.
  • 他被任为议长。
    He was appointed chairman.
  • 灵魂赋予肉体生
    The soul animates the body.
  • 猫有九
    A cat has nine lives.
  • 确实是好的东西。
    Life is indeed a good thing.
  • 这就是生
    This is the life.
  • 这场革已经带来了很多改变。
    The revolution has brought about many changes.
  • 他们的儿子被名为爱德华。
    Their boy was named Edward.
  • 事故差点让他丢了性
    The accident almost cost him his life.
  • 他被任为驻英国大使。
    He was appointed ambassador to Britain.
Chinese Tones