- 请问这儿是什么地方?
Pardon me, what place is this?
- 含义是什么地方有水井,什么地方有居民。
The implication was that where there was a well, there were residents.
- 他从什么地方来的?
Where does he come from?
- 这封信寄错地方了。
This letter is wrongly addressed.
- 保存在阴凉的地方。
Keep it in a cool place.
- 他去了某个地方。
He went to some place or other.
- 你明天这个时间会在甚么地方?
Where will you be this time tomorrow?
- 这里是湖最深的地方。
This lake is deepest at this point.
- 请你在这个地方签个字。
Please sign here.
- 把书放回原来的地方。
Put back the book where you found it.