- 你大约认识多少英文词?
About how many English words do you know?
- 她班上大约有40个学生。
There are about forty students in her class.
- 这家宾馆建于大约五十年前。
That hotel was established about 50 years ago.
- 顺着这条街走大约50米,就会看到邮局。
Follow the street for about 50 meters, and you will see a post office.
- 一碗饭大约重一百八十克。
A bowl of rice is about 180 grams.
- 他们大约五百年前在秘鲁建立了帝国。
They built their empire in Peru about five hundred years ago.
- 地球大约每三百六十五天就会围绕太阳旋转一周。
The earth makes one revolution round the sun in about 365 days.