- 你尤其不该空腹喝酒。
You should especially not drink on an empty stomach.
- 我很喜欢奈良,尤其在秋季的时候。
I love Nara, particularly in the fall.
- 尤其是要注意你吃的和喝的东西。
You have to pay special attention to what you eat and drink.
- 我很喜欢音乐,尤其是古典音乐。
I like music, especially classical music.
- 它可以使一些人,尤其是老人和婴幼儿,病得很重。
It can make some people, especially elderly people and infants, very ill.
- 就是冷战几十年后的今天,德国人和俄罗斯人之间还有很多伤痛,尤其是
Even now, many years after the cold war, there is still much bitterness between Germans and Russian, especially in areas which were occupied by the Soviet Union.
- 大部分大不列颠的男人定期送巧克力作礼物给他们的合伙人,尤其是在他
Almost half the men in Great Britain regularly give chocolate to their partner, especially for their birthday.