- 许多人在工业城市工作。
Many people work in industrial towns.
- 电影制作是一个令人兴奋的工作。
Movie making is an exciting job.
- 我继续工作。
I continued working.
- 她母亲将继续工作。
Her mother will continue to work.
- 给我们工具,我们会完成工作。
Give us the tools, and we will finish the job.
- 工人们抱怨他们的工作时间被延长了。
The workers are complaining that their hours have been increased.
- 罗杰从早工作到晚。
Roger works from morning till night.
- 我的工作是什么?
What are my tasks?
- 你应该帮他工作的。
You should have helped him with his work.
- 我不工作.
I do not work.