jiàn lì


  • to establish
  • to set up
  • to found



  • 这是建立在猜测的基础上。
    It is founded on supposition.
  • 伦敦是一个为马而建立的城市。
    London was a city built for the horse.
  • 大学在20年前由他的父亲建立
    The university was founded by his father twenty years ago.
  • 日本公司已经建立了品质的信誉。
    Japanese companies have built up a reputation for quality.
  • 他们大约五百年前在秘鲁建立了帝国。
    They built their empire in Peru about five hundred years ago.
  • 握著我的手。我们两个将要建立一个乌托邦。
    Take my hand. The two of us are going to construct a utopia.
Chinese Tones