- 感到惊讶、感到惊奇就是明白的开始。
To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand.
- 她惊讶得说不出话来。
Her surprise was so great that she could not speak.
- 外国人是我惊讶。
Foreigners astound me.
- 我听到这个消息很惊讶。
I was very surprised to hear the news.
- 我对你的厚颜无耻感到惊讶。
I am amazed at your audacity.
- 整个小区对这个消息很惊讶。
The whole neighborhood was surprised at the news.
- 我对他的坚持感到很惊讶。
I was surprised by his perseverance.
- 我很惊讶竟然看到了狮子。
I was surprised to see a lion.
- “你怎么来了?”他惊讶地问我。
"What are you doing here?" he asked me in surprise.
- 他的突然出现,让我们都感到惊讶。
His sudden appearance surprised us all.