yù lái yù


  • more and more



  • 噪音愈来愈大。
    The noise is getting louder and louder.
  • 好工作似乎愈来愈难找了。
    It seems to be becoming hard to get a good job.
  • 最近的天气愈来愈凉爽了。
    It is getting cooler and cooler.
  • 愈来愈漂亮了。
    She is getting prettier and prettier.
  • 你还是快点上床睡觉吧,不然感冒会愈来愈严重的。
    You had better go to bed right away, or your cold will get worse.
  • 那国家的人口正在不断增长,所以他们需要的食物量也愈来愈大。
    They have a growing population; therefore they need more and more food.
Chinese Tones