- 十间房屋被烧毁了。
Ten houses were burned down.
- 颱风吹毁了很多房屋。
Not a few houses were destroyed by the typhoon.
- 许多房屋被洪水冲走了。
A lot of houses were washed away by the flood.
- 建筑师创建了非常现代的房屋。
That architect builds very modern houses.
- 他们的房屋被强烈地震摧毁了。
They had their houses destroyed by a strong earthquake.
- 若有大地震,房屋会倒塌呀!
If there’s a big earthquake, the house could really collapse!
- 百分之十五的房屋将是经济适用,所以低收入家庭会在这个地区买或者租
Fifteen per cent of the housing will be affordable, so that low-income families will be able to buy or rent homes in the area.