- 拜託你开门让我进来吧。
Open the door and let me in, please.
- 我拜访了Dan。
I visited Dan.
- 这两个礼拜一滴雨也没下过。
We have not had a single drop of rain for two weeks.
- 拜托您,请给我一张签证。
PLEASE give me a visa.
- 他们礼拜天上教堂。
They go to church on Sunday.
- 他前天拜会了法国总统。
He made an official visit to the French president the day before yesterday.
- 这本是上个礼拜销量最高的书。
This was the best-selling book last week.
- 如果他在这里, 他就会来拜访我们。
If he were here, he would visit us.
- 拜电视所赐,现在的小孩都不喜欢看书了。
Thanks to television, boys and girls are apt to neglect reading books.
- 他们每星期日都去教堂做礼拜。
They go to church on Sunday morning.