

  • to piece together
  • to join together
  • to stake all
  • adventurous
  • at the risk of one's life
  • to spell



  • 两个法都对。
    Both spellings are correct.
  • “pretty”怎么写?
    How do you spell "pretty"?
  • 一下您的名字。
    Spell your name, please.
  • 命地跑。
    I ran as fast as I could.
  • 许多词是根据写来发音的,不过有些不是。
    Many words are pronounced according to the spelling but some are not.
  • 会成功的男人必须请求妻子让他离开出外打
    He that will thrive must ask leave of his wife.
  • 你的文章写得很好,但却有很多字错了。
    Your composition was good except for the spelling.
  • 她的作文作得十分好,只不过有几个字错了。
    Her composition is very good except for a few errors in spelling.
  • 虎与人是无法比力量的,但是,老虎还是比人类低等。
    You cannot compare the strength of a man to that of a tiger, but nevertheless, the tiger is still the inferior creature.
Chinese Tones