

  • to explore
  • to search out
  • to scout
  • to visit
  • to stretch forward



  • 父亲常常在空闲时间读侦小说。
    Father would often read detective stories in his spare time.
  • 我们如何来测时光的推移?
    How do we detect the passage of time?
  • 他突然喜欢上了侦小说。
    He suddenly took a liking to detective stories.
  • 他常常在吃过晚饭后看侦小说。
    He would often read detective stories after supper.
  • 这本侦小说我才看到一半。
    I am halfway through this detective story.
  • 古代的险家用星星来辨别方向。
    Early explorers used the stars for navigation.
  • 我不敢查得太深, 以免发现可怕的事实。
    I dare not probe too deeply, lest I uncover the awful truth!
  • 你们大概会以为她告诉了我她当时正在去望生病的祖母。
    You probably think she told me she was on her way to visit her sick grandmother.
  • 「你鼻子怎么了?」「我刚才倒车的时候,想头出窗看清楚后面有没有
    "What happened to your nose?" "When I was backing my car up I went to check behind me, convinced that the car window was open, and bashed my face into it!"
Chinese Tones