tí gāo


  • to raise
  • to increase
  • to improve



  • 我们建议提高收费。
    We suggest raising the fees.
  • 提高了她的嗓音。
    She raised her voice.
  • 看来他出国学习的目的是要提高他说英语的能力。
    Developing his ability of speaking English, it seems, is his purpose of studying abroad.
  • 首先,因为海水变热时膨胀,海平面可能提高
    First of all, the level of the ocean could rise, because ocean water expands as it grows warmer.
  • 为了提高出生率,中国政府花了很多钱在大熊猫成功繁殖的研究上。
    The Chinese government has spent a lot of money on research into successful panda breeding in order to increase their birth rate.
Chinese Tones