- 这个问题暂时放在一边。
That problem has been shelved for the time being.
- 把胡萝卜放在锅里。
Put the carrots in the pot.
- 不要把两个舌头放在一张嘴。
Keep not two tongues in one mouth.
- 他胡乱把书本放在架上。
He put the books on the shelf out of order.
- 请把你的行李放在这秤上。
Please put your baggage on this scale.
- 把枪放在桌子上。
Put the gun on the table.
- 你想我把这东西放在哪里?
Where would you like me to put this?
- 基顿把磁铁放在他的鸽子的头上。
Keeton put magnets on the heads of his pigeons.
- 我把它放在抽屉裡。
I put it in the drawer.