- 塑料代替了许多传统的原料。
Plastics have taken the place of many conventional materials.
- 我蛮喜欢韩国料理。
I love Korean food.
- 我们应该尽我们最大的努力减少塑料包装的使用,并回收所有的塑料废物
We must make the utmost effort to reduce the use of plastic packaging, and also to recycle all waste plastic.
- 我保证这些资料是无误的。
I guarantee that this information is correct.
- 我们从马来西亚得到材料。
We get the materials from Malaysia.
- 这种饮料是免费招待的。
This drink is on the house.
- 日本依赖进口原料。
Japan depends on imports for raw materials.
- 这些资料未必可靠。
It is questionable whether this data can be relied on.
- 日本从国外进口各种原料。
Japan imports various raw materials from abroad.
- 这外套是什么材料作的?
What stuff is this jacket made of?