- 无论何时都要扣好安全带。
Fasten your seat belt at all times.
- 无论发生甚么事,我也不会离开你。
Come what may, I will never leave you.
- 无论你多么想睡, 还是要刷牙。
Brush your teeth, however sleepy you are.
- 我无论去甚么地方也带著相机。
I take my camera wherever I go.
- 无论发生甚么事也要保持冷静。
Keep calm, whatever happens.
- 我们无论如何也应该遵守法律。
We should always act in obedience to the law.
- 停雨时我无论如何都会出外。
At any rate I will go out when it stops raining.
- 无论如何,我也尽了我的责任。
In any case, I did my duty.
- 无论发生甚么事情,你也绝对不能放弃。
No matter what happens, you must not give up.
- 无论我和你玩甚么遊戏,你也总是输。
Whatever game I play with you, you never win.