

  • wisdom
  • knowledge



  • 要用慧来理解慧:如果听众是聋的话,那音乐什么都不是。
    It requires wisdom to understand wisdom: the music is nothing if the audience is deaf.
  • 子邀请了朋友来参加她的派对。
    Tomoko asked her friends to come to her party.
  • 他的慧非凡。
    He is remarkable for his wisdom.
  • 你听从她的忠告是明的。
    It was sensible of you to follow her advice.
  • 他天生拥有完美的慧。
    He is gifted with perfect wisdom.
  • 他的忠告总是很明
    His advice is always very sensible.
  • 用大慧做股票,说明您对投资是认真的!
    Managing your stocks with Big Wisdom shows that you are serious about investing!
  • 你的慧广大的有如孟买和孟买之间的距离。
    Your intelligence is as vast as the distance between Bombay and Mumbai.
  • 卢梭是疯狂的, 但有影响力; 休谟是理的, 但没有追随者。
    Rousseau was mad but influential; Hume was sane but had no followers.
  • 藉由读书和讨论概念, 一个人能获得慧并包容不同的想法。
    By reading books and discussing concepts, a person can gain wisdom and tolerance of differing ideas.
Chinese Tones