bào fēng yǔ


  • rainstorm
  • storm
  • tempest



  • 暴风雨带来了许多损害。
    The storm brought about much damage.
  • 气象学家说会有暴风雨
    The weatherman says there is a storm on the way.
  • 看来快要颳暴风雨了。
    It seems that there will be a storm soon.
  • 小镇被暴风雨后的洪水摧毁了。
    The town was destroyed by the flood after the storm.
  • 暴风雨过后 ,那条路被倒下来的树堵住了。
    After the storm, the road was blocked with fallen trees.
  • 婆婆和媳妇就像是暴风雨和冰雹。
    Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are a tempest and hailstorm.
Chinese Tones