lái shuō


  • to have one's say
  • to interpret a topic (from a certain point of view)
  • now we come to talk about it, ...



  • 他来不来对我来说没区别。
    It makes no difference to me whether he comes or not.
  • Fred来不来聚会对我来说没分别。
    It makes no difference to me whether Fred came to the party or not.
  • 说英语对我来说很困难。
    Speaking English is very difficult for me.
  • 说法语对他来说很自然。
    It comes natural to him to speak French.
  • 这本书对你来说读起来太难了。
    This book is too difficult for you to read.
  • 对我来说,这个没问题。
    For me, this is not a problem.
  • 这对我来说是旧闻了。
    This is old news to me.
  • 对我来说这都是鸟语。
    It is all Greek to me.
  • 这本书对我来说很难读。
    This book is hard for me to read.
Chinese Tones