- 把这个词在你的词典查一查。
Look up the word in your dictionary.
- 用你的词典查查这些生字吧。
Look up the words in your dictionary.
- 请检查一下正确答案。
Please check the correct answer.
- 他们正在调查这件事。
They are inquiring into the matter.
- 相关调查正在进行中。
The investigation is under way.
- 我们对他的过去进行了调查。
We made inquiries into his past.
- 我在机场被海关人员搜查。
I was searched by the customs officers at the airport.
- 请耐心等候检查的结果。
Please wait until we get the results of the examination.
- 调查的结果十分令人满意。
The results of the research were quite satisfactory.
- 你可以仔细检查一下我的报告吗?
Would you please look over my report?