- 他们在那棵大树的树荫下坐了下来。
They sat in the shade of that big tree.
- 猫从树篱穿过去。
The cat got through the hedge.
- 鸟用细树枝筑巢。
Birds build nests of twigs.
- 钱不会从树上长出来。
Money does not grow on trees.
- 那棵树随时会倒下来。
The tree was ready to fall at any moment.
- 这些树是他们种的。
These trees were planted by them.
- 吉姆从树上下来。
Jim got down from the tree.
- 树被风吹倒了。
The tree was blown down.
- 我听到树叶沙沙作响。
I heard the leaves rustling.
- 树不会长在草原上。
Trees do not grow on prairies.