

  • to check
  • to examine
  • to inspect
  • to exercise restraint



  • 查一下正确答案。
    Please check the correct answer.
  • 请耐心等候查的结果。
    Please wait until we get the results of the examination.
  • 你可以仔细查一下我的报告吗?
    Would you please look over my report?
  • 查一下用户名和密码有没有填错。
    Check that your username and password are written correctly.
  • 察官问了我一个引导性的问题。
    The prosecutor asked me a leading question.
  • 我在校庆后打扫的时候弄掉了一把学校的钥匙,我被迫写了一份讨。
    I lost a school key when I was cleaning up after the school festival and I was then required to write an apology letter.
Chinese Tones