
  • mold
  • die
  • matrix
  • pattern



  • 鹦鹉懂得仿人类说话。
    Parrots imitate human speech.
  • 据说她曾经是一个特儿。
    She is said to have been a model.
  • 这句句子意思糊。
    The meaning of this sentence is obscure.
  • 她给了我们一个糊的答案。
    She gave us a vague answer.
  • 这一个段落是糊不清的。
    This paragraph is vague.
  • 你很快就会习惯这个国家的生活式了。
    You will soon get accustomed to living in this country.
  • 迈克吃完早饭以后一直在做一个型飞机。
    Mike has been making a model plane since breakfast.
  • 电视的发明为我们的生活式带来了巨大的变化。
    The invention of TV caused a drastic change in our daily life.
  • 所有的型都有错,不过有些还是有用的。
    All models are wrong, but some are useful.
  • 日本发生规8。9的强烈地震, 引发强大海啸。
    An earthquake, 8.9 on the Richter scale, hits Japan and causes a massive tsunami.
Chinese Tones