zhèng què


  • correct
  • proper



  • 两个答案都正确
    The answers are both incorrect.
  • 这个符号代表答案正确
    The sign means that the answer is correct.
  • 你说得完全正确
    All that you say is perfectly correct.
  • 他对这个问题给了正确的答案。
    He gave correct answers to the questions.
  • 谁也说不出正确答案。
    Nobody could give the correct answer.
  • 请检查一下正确答案。
    Please check the correct answer.
  • 请把正确答案圈出来。
    Please circle the right answer.
  • 告诉我正确的答案。
    Tell me the correct answer.
  • 你完全正确
    You are absolutely right.
  • 投资她能判断得很正确
    She can assess investments very accurately.
Chinese Tones