- 他们渡河前进。
They made their way across the river.
- 我们在夏威夷渡过了圣诞。
We stayed in Hawaii over Christmas.
- 我想和你共渡余生。
I want to spend my life with you.
- 渡边是我的姓。
Watanabe is my family name.
- 渡轮上的乘客不多于一百人。
There were not more than one hundred passengers on board the ferry.
- 去加拿大渡蜜月要花很多钱。
A honeymoon in Canada costs a lot of money.
- 和你这样又聪明、又幽默、又漂亮的女孩共渡一晚,实在是一件赏心乐事
It was a pleasure to spend the evening with a smart, funny and beautiful girl like you.