- 神户是著名的港口。
Kobe is famous for its port.
- 汽笛声响起,船开始慢慢地驶离港口。
A whistle blew, and the boat slowly began to pull out of port.
- 迷路的渔船安全地返回了港口。
The lost fishing boat made a safe return to harbour.
- 科比是一个著名的港口城市。
Kobe is famous as a port city.
- 当炸弹袭击了我们的港口、暴政威胁到全世界,她见证了一代美国人的伟
When the bombs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the world, she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness, and a democracy was saved. Yes, we can.